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Kurzy, semináře a vystoupení ve stylu New American Tribal style a Tribal fusion. V současné době se specializuji na výuku New ATS a Tribal fusion zejména v Praze. Základy ATS a Tribal fusio.
ACTIVE 24 s.r.o.
Arjan Roijen
Planickova 1
Praha 6, 162 00
121 King Street West, Suite 2150, Toronto,ON M5H 3T9. 114 Railside Road, Toronto, ON M3A 1A3. Please call to make an appointment to visit.
200 odtieňov naživo v našom SHOWROOME. MESTSKE VILY - HORSKÝ PARK. Vyberte si z našej ponuky. Premeny, ktoré sa oplatí pozrieť. UROBTE DOJEM STAVTE NA 3D EFEKT. NA NÁVŠTEVE U OZAJSTNÝCH ZNALCOV TEHLY. Vyberte si z našej ponuky.
But coming in at a very close second is anything galvanized. And this just makes me swoon every time I walk out my front door. Ready for a little Red, White and Blue? Some BBQ, Potato Salad and Watermelon. Sweet Iced Tea served up in mason jars.
Birds are the most amazing little home builders. Their little nests may be simple in that they are constructed with twigs, grass, hair, mud and even dryer lint. But they are architectural masterpieces that can withstand wind, rain and most anything nature can throw at them. After finding this lovely little nest in our crepe myrtle right outside our garage I was inspired to create a nest of my own of sorts.